Image: Lilia Becker Teaching a Python Class to middle school girls for

As founder of Code with Lilia, Lilia Becker hopes to combine her enthusiasm for technology and educate young girls about computer coding. She created Code with Lilia to “function as a teaching workshop” for girls at schools. She is currently working on a Team Leader Program to spread the word and expand workshops. Lilia will be attending The University of Chicago this fall as well!

Her dedication to helping kids began in her 6th grade year. She volunteered with the TALK Institute, working with kids with autism. She ended her first visit sad because of the lack of communication she had with the students. She was worried the students wouldn’t want to see her again because they could sense her feelings of insecurity. The next visit was encouraging for her, as she discovered empathetic feelings for them, presenting a genuine kindness. Gaining trust with them helped Lilia learn that “you can almost never go wrong if you practice caring empathetic behaviors.” The experience built her dedication to improving her skills and wanting to help every girl feel smart and capable. 

When Lilia was in highschool, she noticed how many girls were in technology. “I quickly realized it was a male-dominated industry.” She says, “I would have felt more comfortable if more girls were in my classes and I couldn’t understand why.” Then, she realized that women were being left out of the largest economic growth sector in the world, she wanted to help bridge the gap. 

Lilia has also learned that asking for help is “not a sign of weakness but of strength.” She says, “When you are able to reach out and recruit people to help you build a movement or business you hone your communication skills as well as appreciate how kind and generous people are.” 

Lilia stated, “It’s frightening for a lot of girls, especially younger girls for them to go into something that isn’t really a female sphere. My goal is to give them the confidence they need to get started,” in an NBC news interview. 

She gained her entrepreneurship skills and confidence to launch a business through Young Entrepreneurs Academy and DECA, an international marketing based competition has also allowed her to compete her smarts at state, regional, and national levels. 

To support Lilia, check out her site here!